Viewing posts by admin

Use TinyMCE codesample with mezzanine

I would like to use codesample plugin from TinyMCE, which adds an icon, where it is possible to edit programming code snippets in the content of a blog post in mezzanine admin dashboard. You can even extend this function with syntax highlighting.

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Test automation tools

Before evaluating any testing tool for automation purpose, you should analyse the market for available tools that satisfy your needs, therefore below there are listed some useful links to got an overview of available tools on the market:

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Logging example for Django >1.3 on a shared hosting webserver

Every one who has already worked with Django, appreciate its useful logging information in the browser when the DEBUG modus is on while you are testing your project on a localhost developement server. But it is always helpful to have a log file stored instead of showing all of Djangos logging information in the browser, especially on a ...

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Steps for choosing test automation tools

First of all it is important to differentiate between four main categories of automation tools. You should be also aware of the fact that each category refers to specific phases within the test process. The sequence of introducing test automation tools plays a very important role to improve efficiency in the ...

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Preliminary considerations for software test tool introduction

Software test tool introduction

For projects that are related to software test tool introduction to be implemented as promising as possible, not only detailed planning but also the following preliminary considerations are recommended:

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